Conference on Contemporary Issues in Banking & Special Issue of British Accounting Review

Tuesday 8 December 2015 and Wednesday 9 December 2015


“When do laws and institutions affect recovery rates on collateral?”

Hans Degryse, Professor of Finance, KU Leuven University


Contemporary Issues in Banking Conference Dec 2015 Programme (word)

Call for Papers

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 affected banking systems and macroeconomic conditions around the world. Following widespread government bailouts, regulatory reforms have taken place aimed at reducing risk-taking activities within the banking sector. The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 sought to reduce the probability of taxpayer bailouts of major banks by limiting proprietary trading and other similarly volatile business areas. Similar major reforms have taken place throughout the European Union. Reforms of international capital regulations (embodied under Basel III) also require financial institutions to hold increased capital and higher levels of liquidity. Systemically important banks and other systemic institutions (including major insurance companies, exchanges, market infrastructure providers) are also being subject to increased capital requirements and greater regulatory scrutiny) Structural reforms are also forcing banks to separate high risk investment banking from low risk retail banking and also limiting bank exposure to private equity and hedge funds investments. Major capital market reforms are also impacting on bank activities by pushing OTC derivatives onto exchanges, revolutionising post-trade execution of many instruments and changing the features of various bank and other capital market operators. There is ongoing discussion about the introduction of a financial transaction tax and the role of credit rating agencies is also being re-defined.

In the light of these major developments, a special issue of the British Accounting Review aims to provide a timely and comprehensive overview of recent developments in banking research. It is envisaged that the contributions contained in the special issue will engage and inform current and emerging debate on the actual and likely effects of the aforementioned structural and regulatory reforms on the banking industry.

Submissions may address topics that include, but are not limited to:

  • bank failures
  • executive compensation and corporate governance of financial institutions
  • fair value accounting for the case of banks and other financial institutions
  • liquidity and capital management
  • business models
  • provisioning and earnings management
  • risk measurement and management
  • shadow banking and systemic institutions
  • bank taxation
  • bank ratings and credit rating agencies.


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Scientific committee

  • Ross Brown (University of St Andrews)
  • Barbara Casu (Cass Business School)
  • Dimitris Chronopoulos (University of St Andrews)
  • Claudia Girardone (Essex University)
  • Jose Linares Zegarra (Essex University)
  • Bert Scholtens (Groningen University).

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: Wednesday 30 September 2015
  • Decisions on papers for conference presentation: Wednesday 14 October 2015
  • Dates of conference Tuesday 8 December 2015 – Wednesday 9 December 2015
  • Special issue publication date: December 2016.

Fees, travel and accommodation

There is no registration fee for the conference.

However, participants are expected to pay travel and accommodation.

See Getting to St Andrews for travel information.

See also: Accommodation in St Andrews.

Any further queries

Email: [email protected].

Download: Conference Details 2015 (pdf)

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Financial Markets and Institutions Special Interest Group